
Showing posts from November, 2022

EX — 6 Hosting a static website on Amazon S3 ​

 H osting of static website on Amazon s3. The pre-requisites required for the following are An AWS account Static webpage that is previously created by you Navigate to s3 services in AWS console and create a new bucket providing the website name and make sure that you provide public access to the bucket during creation 2. Open the created bucket and enable website hosting under static website hosting options 3. In the fields of index and error document provide landing page file name and 404 page file name 4. Now its time to upload static website files so inside the bucket choose upload option and upload all the files required for hosting 5. Now navigate to permissions tab and enter bucket policy tab and type the following command but do not forget to change the resource field with you bucket ARN { "Version" : "2012-10-17" , "Statement" : [ { "Sid" : "PublicReadGetObject" , "Effect" : "Allow" , "Principal...

Create a S3 Bucket Replication in AWS

  S3 Bucket Replication in AWS. The pre-requisites required for the following are An AWS account Two S3 buckets for source and destination hosted in S3 Step-1 : In source bucket under management tab in s3 static website create replication rule Step-2 : configure settings as follows Step-3 Choose the destination path from the s3 bucket and enable bucket versioning


 C reation of VPC along with creation of ISP to enable communication with virtual private server the pre-requisites required are AWS account A basic knowledge in creation of security groups, ec2 instance and key pair (please refer this blog) Open AWS account and choose VPC in services and create a new vpc I have used ip address as 2. After creating vpc server we have to create subnets I have created one public subnet and 3 private subnets similarly create other two private subnets with ipv4 CIDR blocks, 3. After creation of subnets we have to create a ISP for establishing communication with the outside world 4. Now choose public subnet and click the route table link and add a new route inside the table under routes section 5. After adding the ISP to the routing table create a separate routing table for private networks that contains only route inside it and assign it to the remaining private networks 6. Now it’s time to create...

EX — 8 Create and Carryout Read and Write Operation in AWS Dynamo DB​

  Today I am going to share my experience regarding Carrying out Read and Write Operation in AWS Dynamo DB . The pre-requisites required for the following are An AWS account Navigate to AWS dynamo DB service and create a table as follows After creation open the table and start adding all the attributes you need I have added three attributes as follows I have also tried editing the items by adding a new attribute to one of the item as follows Coming to scan option I tried adding a filter product-id to filter out items as follows


My experience regarding setting up of RDS MySQL server in AWS. The pre-requisites required for the following are An AWS account MySQL workbench The steps performed by me are as follows Navigate to Amazon RDS service and create a database as follows keep all the settings in default as chosen by AWS but remember to change the access to public 2. And the second change that one has to consider is creation of new security group with the following rules 3. After the database status becomes healthy, open MySQL workbench and click on the plus symbol to create a new connection copy the host name from newly created database in RDS and use the master password for creation of database in connection settings Now perform all the required operation as you need from MySQL workbench


   I nstallation of MySQL server. The pre-requisites required for the following are An AWS account An EC-2 instance with ubuntu iso image file preferably Here are the steps that I followed to install MySQL server inside EC-2 Connect to your instance through SSH if you are using a Linux machine or through putty if you are using windows After connecting to the instance use the following commands in order to install MySQL Server sudo su cd ../.. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mysql-server After the following commands enter mysql server using the following command sudo mysql of course, sudo asks system root password. Once provided the right root password, we will be connected on MySQL as root MySQL user. use MySQL session to run ALTER USER: mysql > ALTER USER 'root' @ 'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'my-secret-password' ; Now its time to run secure installation use the following commands as follows sudo mysql_secure_installati...


  creation of application load balancer for VPC the pre-requisites that are required for this application load balancer are An AWS account So an application load balancer is nothing but a load balancer serves as the single point of contact for clients. The load balancer distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, in multiple Availability Zones. This increases the availability of your application. Now let us look into the steps required for creating a application load balancer First in order to create a load balancer we need a VPC with different subnets associated with different regions so go ahead and first create a VPC first with following configurations 2. Now I am going to create four subnets where I use each of two subnets as private and public respectively with different regions for each of them in private and public respectively go to subnets section in your AWS console and click on create subnet enter the configurations as given i...