
Showing posts from September, 2022


  physical to virtual migration of an operating system pre-requisites required are as follows Disk2vhd ( link ) Oracle Virtual box  ( link ) Steps followed for P2V migration: Download disk2vhd using the above link , extract the folder and open disk2vhd64 file Choose the destination folder and check the disks that you want to convert as VHD here I am going to use VHD format since oracle virtual box only supports them. select  Use VSS  if you would like to get a transaction-consistent version of a disk and not a crash-consistent version and click on create button After creation of VHD open oracle virtual box and click on new button to create a VM(virtual machine) and fill the details accordingly Choose use an existing VHD option and provide the correct path for VHD file that has been created previously Now we have finally completed P2V migration successfully.


  V2V — VM MIGRATION Hi all today I am going share my experience regarding v2v migration some of pre-requisites that were required carrying out v2v were previously installed virtual machine in oracle virtual box vm vare work station Steps followed for V2V migration : Open virtual box and click file option in menu bar and click export appliance 2. Choose the virtual machine that has to be added to the export appliance in my case it is ubuntu that has to be exported 3. select OVF(open virtualization format) and specify the file location where the OVF file has to be stored and proceed with export option 4. Now open VM-ware workstation select  File  >  Open . Browse to the .ovf file and click  Open  Type a name for the virtual machine, type or browse to the directory for the virtual machine files, and click  Import . If the import fails, click  Retry  to try again, or click  Cancel  to cancel the import. If you retry the import, Work...


                                 Hi all, today I am going to share my experience regarding installation of virtual machine. some of the pre-requisites that were required are Oracle virtual box( ) ubuntu ISO file( ) Steps to be Followed are as follows Download and install oracle virtual box from the above given link and download any ISO file that you want to add as virtual machine in my case I chose ubuntu OS After installation open virtual box and click on new button and name your virtual machine accordingly and choose appropriate type according to the ISO file you have chosen in my case it is linux and version is ubuntu(64bit) 3.Next allocate memory size according to your convenience, The type of hard disk depends on whether you use VirtualBox with other VM software. For now, we can leave this as a VDI. 4. Then you can choose whether the h...

Cloud computing and Types of Virtualization

  Cloud computing   is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the internet. These services are divided into three main categories or types of cloud computing :  infrastructure as a service ( IaaS ), platform as a service ( PaaS ) and software as a service ( SaaS ) . A cloud can be private or public. A public cloud sells services to anyone on the internet. A private cloud is a proprietary network or a data center that supplies hosted services to a limited number of people, with certain access and permissions settings. Private or public, the goal of cloud computing is to provide easy, scalable access to computing resources and IT services. Virtualization on the other hand is a technique of how to separate a service from the underlying physical systems. It involves using specialized software to create a virtual or software-created version of a computing resource rather than the actual version of the same resource. With the help of Virtuali...